Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Without tears, the soul would never know a rainbow
Sometimes when I walk the street
Tears must be shed to make room for the laughter
you - I thought I knew you
It was a dangerous, stupid infraction and I deserve the ticket
For Whom the Bell Tolls
This collection of souls
August 13, 2005
Lady Lovelylocks
Inability to cry
Dystopic Boundaries - a study in whining about first-world problems
what he carried from here to Okinawa
from Dahlberg Ginger
A consequence of actually feeling
Dear Grandpa
President George W. Bush's speech to the Australian Houses of Parliament
I must have waited all my life for this
Our lives and these empty spaces aside
How did I get here, Sarah?
He died on a Sunday morning
I was a bitter, purple-haired fat girl, and I had plenty of male friends
The Joshua Tree
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