A privately held Bellevue, Washington company formed by the notable gaming industry figure and ex-FASA founder Jordan Weisman. WizKids is well known for their Mage Knight collectible miniatures game (which seems to have simultaneously invented and cornered the CMG market).
When FASA folded WizKids bought all of FASA's remaining Shadowrun and BattleTech rights. I say "remaining" because (as alert readers will know) a few years prior to these events Microsoft bought FASA Interactive (now known as FASA Studio) which owned all rights to computerized incarnations of either of these properties (see Mechwarrior 4).
WizKids has licensed Fantasy Productions to continue development of the Shadowrun FRPG and Classic BattleTech. Fantasy Productions is the German company which FASA had licensed to translate and publish German-language editions of their games (as well as write some non-canon sourcebooks specifically for the German market which were never translated to english). Fantasy Productions formed a subsidiary American company called FanPro LLC which hired a few of the ex-FASA people and contracted freelancers continue work on these games.