The bootloader used to load Linux through the SRM console on the AXP architecture.

Strangely what parodies of scottish people say along with "hoots mon! wher' me troosers?" and "I'll have a wee dram" (no scot has a 'wee' anything (wahey!)).

How canadians sound like scotsmen I don't know - perhaps it's the cold and disliking your southern neighbours.

I, being a Canadian, don't subscribe to the American stereotype of Canadians... It's all just anti-Canadian propaganda...

From where I live (near Vancouver) no one says "aboot", we say "ab-owt"... and we don't say eh any more than we say y'know (I s'pose they mean the same thing)... and adding y's to things is decidedly an American trait... like y'all...

Canadians don't say eh or aboot nearly as much as someone from Minnesota... in fact, the only Canadians with the stereotypical canadian accent are Newfies... and... well... Newfies are excused from most activities which require thought...

yerricde informs me that this phenomenon has a technical name: canadian raising

Besides, Americans pronounce "roof" like "ruff"... ;)

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