An rpg published by Last Unicorn Games. I consider it one of the best rpgs around, especially when it comes to tools for generating fantasy worlds.

The aria da capo is a formal song structure developed in Italian opera in the late 17th century. It uses a three-part structure, in which the beginning section is repeated after a contrasting middle section. Though this formal scheme was first used by Monteverdi, he did not designate it aria da capo. This type of aria achieved artistic perfection in the operatic works of Alessandro Scarlatti, and in the great choral works of Bach and Handel. The aria da capo declined in the 18th century as composers (and their virtuoso singers) began to further subdivide and rearrange the three main sections.

Interestingly, the name for malaria, everyone's favorite infectious disease, comes from the Italian "mal'aria." Literally, "bad air."

The air quality in southern Italy during the 19th century was a major factor in the spread of the disease. Thick with mosquitos and just general humidity, it was this mal'aria that many believed caused the illness.

A"ri*a (#), n. [It., fr. L. aer. See Air.] Mus.

An air or song; a melody; a tune.

⇒ The Italian term is now mostly used for the more elaborate accompanied melodies sung by a single voice, in operas, oratorios, cantatas, anthems, etc., and not so much for simple airs or tunes.


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