Alright so I'll just start by saying that this is by far one of the greatest group games of all time, and I myself have played it with multiple different groups of friends at multiple different locations for multiple hours and hours (I guess you could call me a big booty ho). Anyways the greatest part about it is that you can play it anywhere (assuming you don't get embarrased easily) with just about anyone (assuming they are willing to play).
The Setup:
Get in a circle, decide on someone to be the BIG BOOTY. Normally the person who's played the game the most gets seniority, but if you're all at the same experience level I guess you can play some other game like rock-paper-scissors to decide, or something. Once that's settled the rest of the people count up from one to the left of BIG BOOTY; the person to the left of BB is NUMBER ONE, the person to the left of NUMBER ONE is NUMBER TWO, and so on.
The Gameplay:
Alright so this may sound a wee bit childish just bear with it and get down with your kindergarten roots, cause it's an absolute blast. What you're going to do is simultaneously start singing as you start a beat alternating between slapping your hands on your thighs and clapping your hands together. The song, which is sung by all, goes as follows:
Ahhhhhhh *as you all simultaneously raise your hands in preparation for slapping of the thighs*
Big Booty
Uhhh Huhhh
Big Booty
Big Booty
Big Booty
Now comes the tricky part, whoever is the BB is going to say "BIG BOOTY" on one beat and "NUMBER *something*" on the next, and what that is going to do is pass the beat to whomever's number is said, so for example if the BB says "BIG BOOTY" "NUMBER FOUR", whoever is NUMBER FOUR would then have to respond with "NUMBER FOUR" on the very next beat and then either pass it to another number, back to the BB, or to themselves. Passing to yourself means that you would have to say your own number twice and then a third time in order to pass it on to someone else, something along the lines of "NUMBER FOUR, NUMBER FOUR, NUMBER FOUR, NUMBER TWO". So now that I've royally confused you, I'll give a little example of what a game might go like:
Starting with the
Chorus (see above)
N5: NUMBER FIVE NUMBER FIVE (Passing it back to yourself)
and so on...
If any person (including BB) at any time screws up either by saying the wrong combo of words or is off beat the game stops and that person moves to right of the BB and hence adopts the very last number (depending on how many are playing), if the BB screws up then no movement occurs, and N1 becomes the new BB. As you can see, Big Booty is all about either being or becoming the BIG BOOTY and as such being able to determine the rythm of the game as well as starting out the first beat.
The key to a successful game to start it off with a slow beat and progressively move to as fast as can be played. And once you've mastered that there is a new element that can be added.
New Characters:
There are a few more characters you can add to make the game a bit more interesting if you so desire, and what this entails is swapping numbers with names. The most popular variation which I've played with has been swapping NUMBER ONE with UHH HUH and NUMBER TWO with OH BOY! but I've also played with NO WAY as well as AWW NO. When doing this NUMBER ONE is assigned to the person to the left of the last named person.
So if you're ever in need of a time killer that's also really entertaining I would suggest you suggest a good ol' fassioned game o' Big Booty.
If anyone has variations/suggestions please msg me with them!