Chocolate Bars -100 Grand -3 Musketeers -Aero -Almond Joy -Astros -Bar None (out of print) -Big Turk -Bounty -Butterfinger -Caramello -Caramilk -Charleston Chew -Cherry Blossom -Choclairs -Clark Bar -Coffee Crisp -Crispy-Crunch -Crunch -Crunchie -Eat-More -Fifth Avenue -Fusion -Gala -Gold Mine -Heath -Hunk -Junior Mints -Kit Kat -Krackel -M&M's -Maltesers -Mars Bar -Milka -Milk Duds -Milky Way -Milky Way Midnight -Mirage -Mounds -Mr. Big -Mr. Goodbar -Oh Henry! -PayDay -Pep -Plopp -Reese's NutRageous -Reese's Peanut Butter Cups -Reese's Pieces -Reese Sticks -Rolo -Royale -Skor -Smarties -Snickers -Sweet Marie -Symphony -Toblerone -Tootsie Roll -Twix -Violet Crumble -Whatchamacallit -Whoppers -Wunderbar -Yankie Bar -York Peppermint Pattie -Yorkie -Zero
Chocolate Bar Manufacturers: -Blommer Chocolate Company -Divine / Day Chocolate Company -Hershey Foods Corporation (includes Cadbury (and thus Neilson) and Reese) (oh, what a tangled web..) -M&M Mars Corp -Nestle/Nestlé
Miscellaneous Chocolatrivia: -Deep Fried Mars Bar -Peppermint Patty
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