The southern states that seceded from the union in 1860 and 1861. The states were South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia (home of the capital, Richmond), Arkansas, and North Carolina. Jefferson Davis was the first and only President. After the South lost the U.S. Civil War, the C.S.A. ceased to exist, except in Harry Turtledove novels.

interesting note: When Virginia seceded from the U.S., West Virginia seceded from Virginia.

Confederate States of America

From :

Note: The states making up the Confederate States of America previously seceded from the United States; the secession of Missouri and Kentucky affected only geographic parts of these states.

 8 Feb 1861                Confederate States of America founded by Alabama, Florida,
                           Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina
 5 Mar 1861                accession of Texas
20 May 1861                accession of Arkansas and North Carolina
23 May 1861                accession of Virginia
22 Jul 1861                accession of Tennessee
28 Nov 1861                accession of Missouri
10 Dec 1861                accession of Kentucky

President of the Congress
 8 Feb 1861 - 18 Feb 1861  Howell Cobb                        (b. 1815 - d. 1868)
18 Feb 1861 - 10 May 1865  Jefferson Davis               Dem  (b. 1808 - d. 1889)

Confederate States of America, The name adopted by the Southern States when they seceded from the Union and formed a government at Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 4, 1861. The Constitution of the Confederate States was modeled after that of the Federal Constitution, and in some important differences has won the approval of even Northern statesmen. It recognized Almighty God and invoked His favor and guidance. It guarded carefully the doctrine of the "sovereignty of each State." It expressly forbade the slave trade, or importation of slaves from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States and Territories of the United States. It forbade "bounties' or "trusts" of any kind, and provided a "tariff for revenue." It gave Cabinet offiers the privileges of the floors of its Congress, allowed the President to veto any part of a bill and approve the remainder, giving his reasons for such action, and fixed the term of office of the President at six years and made him ineligible for a second term.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.

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