HLS is a cool color-space to work with images in. You can do neat things like isolate
skintones for
filter based on hue or
intensity, or
rotate the
hue before re-conversion.
Yes, this is stripped down C, please do not complain.
Cmax = R
if (G > Cmax) Cmax = G
if (B > Cmax) Cmax = B
Cmin = R
if (G < Cmin) Cmin = G
if (B < Cmin) Cmin = B
LumaValue = (Cmax + Cmin) / 2
Delta = Cmax - Cmin
SaturationValue = Delta
if (R == Cmax)
temp = (G - B) / Delta
else if (G == Cmax)
temp = 2 + ((B - R) / Delta)
temp = 4 + ((R - G) / Delta)
temp1 = temp * 42
if (temp < 0) HueValue = temp + 256