Easy Street is the physical address of the American Dream and the preferred destination of millions. Easy Street is the embodiment of having arrived, of not having to scratch and scrape for every advancement, of finally being able to coast along in a carefree, secure environment. Everyone wants to have their mail delivered to their door on Easy Street

Easy Street is something to aspire to, an accomplishment and therefore a recognition. To be seen as living on Easy Street engenders envy in the breast of your enemy and joy (with perhaps just a hint of wistfulness) in the heart of your friends. When you hold the key that unlocks your front door on Easy Street you have no more worry or want, no concern for either tomorrow or today, no cloud to shadow your horizon. Your wife is beautiful, your kids bright and well adjusted, and your mortgage paid in full. Your golf clubs don't slice or hook, your dog has no fleas, and the police never come by except to solicit your contribution to the police benevolent association, which you of course support generously.

Easy Street has no crime, no urban blight, no decaying infrastructure. The surroundings are matched by the residents, both the creme de la creme without flaw.

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