Elevator Jumping: An Urban Recreational Activity
The act of
jumping straight up just before an
elevator stops at a floor. If timed correctly, the elevator will stop with you in
mid-air, the floor will drop away and you will feel like you have jumping
super powers.
The preferred direction of elevator travel is
up. This way the
inertia of your
upward momentum will add to your leap. Jumping on the way down produces
the opposite effect, and the accelerated impact can hurt, since your legs are not ready to land and you will be hitting the ground much faster than you would normally.
This activity is best done in an empty elevator, or when the elevator only contains people you know. Avoid
crowded elevators as your
trajectory might drift as the added
altitude exagerates any
deviations in your
apogee. You could land on someone.
The faster the elevator, the better the jump. Pay attention to the height of the ceiling or you might hit it. While painful, hitting the ceiling should be considered a mark of achievement.
Also consider an escape plan. Most newer elevators have cameras, be aware that
bored security guards might
harass you.