Nefazodone (brand name Serzone) is a phenylpiperazine antidepressant which is unrelated to SSRIs, tricyclics or MAOIs. It is a nonhygroscopic, white crystalline solid, with the chemical formula C25H32ClN5O2. It comes in tablets ranging in dosage from 100-250mg.

Nefazodone works by selectively blocking postsynaptic serotonin 5-HT2a receptors and also inhibits serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. The average dosage is between 300 and 600mg per day. One study has found that nefazodone might be useful in treatment of social phobia.

Chemical structure:

   H  H      H  H   H
    \  \      \  \ /
Cl   C--C   H--C--C      H
  \ //  \\    /    \    /
   C      C--N      N--C   H  H O   H  H   O--Ph
    \    /    \    /  / \ /  /  \\   \  \ /
     C==C   H--C--C  H   C--C    C    C--C
    /  /      /  / \    /  / \ /   \ / \  \
   H  H      H  H   H  H  H   N     N   H  H
                               \   /
                                N=C   H  H
                                   \ /  /
                                   /  /
                                  H  H


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