user since
Mon May 15 2000 at 03:16:36 (24.8 years ago )
last seen
Sat Sep 16 2023 at 03:35:38 (1.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
287 - View nocodeforparanoia's writeups (feed)
level / experience
18 (Panjandrum) / 18149
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
check on it at least once a month
music, food, and literature
there's things to do.
most recent writeup
Send private message to nocodeforparanoia

real life has kicked back in.

i'm me again.

sometimes this place makes me want to cry. i miss some of you dearly.

The fact that all of these people are fantastic writers
has nothing to do with the fact that I am or was their mentor:
Lost and Found

For a great cross-section of Everything's Best Noders (past and present), go here.

WickerNipple says i've been bitching for years that e2 should declare itself non-profit and get a tax id number. this issue PROVES the shortsightedness of others. godsdammit.

thefez says we cannot. cult policy forbids governmental recognition as a "religion". we don't need big brother meddling in our kool-aid parties...

Mitzi says Sweetie. There's no way I could ever have navigated these waters without your help.

This, of course, simply isn't true,
but it's a nice notion, nonetheless.

dannye says Grumpy as ever. Thanks for asking.

he has no idea how comforting that is.

(dem bones) Klaproth says I ate your writeup Aliens vs. Reincarnation. Either you're stoned or I am. Node Heaven will become its new residence.

well, it wasn't me....

thefez says HOLY FRICKIN MARRIED! congrats, man!

Thanks, duder.
It's still awesome.

enth says re Musical Shoes: Signs of the Times: This is good. BTW it was cool the way you disappeared off e2 for years and then suddenly resurfaced and wrote good stuff :-) Some day I might do that...

well, uh, shit, man.

Rancid_Pickle says You're the bee's knees.

I'll assume this is a good thing.

dannye says I will turn the lights out on this place when everyone is gone. If I'm still among the living.

i just stumbled across this message again for the first time in years. i can't describe how painful it was.

(Carnivorze2) drownzsurf says I think this qualified this new applicant: (r) 2005.8.13@23:15 Sofacoin says re Carnivorze2: I eAT TEH MANNFLEISCH/. Let me in your CRAVEMEAT GOODYGROUP or I shall be forced to MASTICATE YOU!!!! Please. I'd be most grateful.

(Carnivorze2) Kit says *snerk* Sofacoin totally passes the admissions essay.

junkpile says You said a very nice thing to me some months ago. Just wanted to thank you for that, though I'm not sure you'll remember, but, thank you.

whatever it was, I'm glad I said it.

I've attempted below to give some meaning to my body of e2 work as a whole. I've found that it's often difficult to sort through a user's writings, especially since the system itself has no way of ordering a user's nodes by subject (beyond the person/place/thing/idea categories). For the most part, these categories are organized reverse chronologically within heading (newest first).








Excalibre: Graham crackers are sweet crackers made out of graham flour designed in the 19th century to prevent masturbation with their deliberate blandness. Hershey's is a company that makes revolting, cheap, waxy, cloying chocolate.

why so much s'more angst?


desine fata deum flecti sperare precando

I am now the lucky "leader" of the usergroup le2rati. Check us out. If you're interested in a little extra work, /msg me. I'm sure we'd love to have you aboard.

ToasterLeavings Lometa dannye
JohnnyGoodyear sensei jessicapierce
stand/alone/bitch etouffee Chiisuta
wertperch Templeton Andrew Aguecheek
Aphrodite Cletus the Foetus prole

Bitriot makes me say "rock on" way more than usual.

craze: Damn, man. I need like sex, or boobies, or drugs, or something.
Excalibre offers sex
panamaus seconds
craze: um...
craze: uh oh
Excalibre: Three way!
craze: Help!

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It is very late and I am very tired. Keeping a notebook on Paradise Lost is getting old but I have only three books left and must continue. Faulkner's Sanctuary is a mean sonofabitch of a book. My wife sleeps peacefully in the other room and I wonder why I am not warm sleeping next to her but must continue must not sleep must keep trying to accomplish something of value before I allow myself to drift. Dear God why do I stay up like this? My brain only gets more and more exhausted and confused. I remember a girl in New York who cried once when she read what I'd written and it was good to see her do what I could not. And there was uncle Bill and his quick dead-before-the-floor-met-him way to go. Once I rubbed a dandelion under a pretty girl's chin and it was supposed to mean something but I cannot remember what it was. I remember the last time I held Beth's hand the summer before she died. I remember the last time I held Rachel's hand before they pulled her plugs. I remember these things at night alone.

Nobody picks up water. Nobody does questions. Nobody broke you. Nobody saw you do you. Nobody thinks badly of the yard. Nobody drew on the slack. Nobody can breathe under the yard. Nobody does the vase. Nobody remembers last year. Nobody walked the dog. Nobody broke you. Nobody does the vase. Nobody drew on the dog. Nobody does the yard. Nobody remembers the slack. Nobody can breathe under the slack. Nobody thinks badly of water. Nobody cares about the vase. Nobody picks up water. Nobody eats last year.Nobody fell on the dog. Nobody broke the yard. Nobody remembers the slack. Nobody cares about you. Nobody fell on the yard. Nobody remembers the yard. Nobody remembers Algebra. Nobody does you. Nobody remembers last year. Nobody fell on the dog. Nobody walked the dog. Nobody cleaned up you. Nobody walked the sidewalk. Nobody cares about the sidewalk. Nobody cares about the dog. Nobody remembers you. Nobody cares about you. Nobody walked questions. Nobody cleaned up questions. Nobody saw you do the walls.Nobody remembers you. Nobody does questions. Nobody can breathe under the slack. Nobody cleaned up the walls. Nobody fell on last year. Nobody remembers questions. Nobody eats the sidewalk. Nobody remembers last year. Nobody broke you. Nobody thinks badly of the walls. Nobody can breathe under the walls. Nobody talks about the yard. Nobody fell on the slack. Nobody remembers last year. Nobody does Algebra. Nobody thinks badly of last year. Nobody fell on the yard. Nobody broke the vase. Nobody remembers questions. Nobody cares about the sidewalk.Nobody can breathe under water. Nobody does you. Nobody talks about the sidewalk. Nobody thinks badly of the yard. Nobody does the sidewalk. Nobody talks about the dog. Nobody picks up you. Nobody remembers questions. Nobody thinks badly of the sidewalk. Nobody broke last year. Nobody eats the vase. Nobody eats you. Nobody cleaned up the yard. Nobody walked last year. Nobody thinks badly of last year. Nobody does you. Nobody drew on the vase. Nobody picks up the yard. Nobody eats the walls. Nobody cleaned up the sidewalk. Nobody picks up the walls. Nobody saw you do Algebra. Nobody eats you. Nobody saw you do the slack. Nobody picks up the walls. Nobody eats Algebra. Nobody walked the sidewalk. Nobody picks up Algebra. Nobody cleaned up last year. Nobody walked water. Nobody talks about last year. Nobody broke water. Nobody thinks badly of you. Nobody thinks badly of Algebra. Nobody talks about the sidewalk. Nobody remembers questions. Nobody broke the walls. Nobody thinks badly of you. Nobody thinks badly of Algebra. Nobody can breathe under questions.Nobody drew on last year. Nobody eats Algebra. Nobody picks up last year. Nobody drew on the dog. Nobody does you. Nobody thinks badly of Algebra. Nobody does the yard. Nobody remembers the slack. Nobody talks about the slack. Nobody fell on you. Nobody talks about the yard. Nobody talks about the dog. Nobody picks up water. Nobody cares about the yard. Nobody can breathe under Algebra. Nobody cares about the slack. Nobody drew on the slack. Nobody picks up you. Nobody thinks badly of the walls. Nobody can breathe under the yard.

courtesy of about Nobody

459 in node heaven. damn, it took me a long time to get it.

among the final messages from sensei...

sensei says Ah, we all age, sicken, die. There is nothing else that can happen. This is not a problem. A problem has a solution, something that can be done. If nothing can be done, it is not a problem. It just how things are. We drop a cup....

sensei says ...and it falls into the gravitywell of the mass of the earth, strikes against the floor, and shatters. Gravity is not a problem. Space curves around mass. Nothing to do about it. Just sweep up the cup. And be more careful.

sensei says ...and might last another twenty years. But I, like all and you, must go. I am so sorry to hear of your friends. Eighteen is very young to have such things happen. But this why the fragility of the cup, the leaf, the breath, the...

sensei says ...moment is so precious. It cannot be grasped or held. This is part of its richness and nobility. Ah. I see by your last msg I might be depressing you. I am so sorry. This was not my intention. I am just babbling on like an.......

sensei says ...old fool. Please forgive my indulgence. Thank you for your concern. I will see you soon.

sensei says We are all a good use of each other's time if we use our own time as well as we can. I always enjoy speaking with you. I do have to lie down soon so I might not get beack to you before tomorrow or so. But you are always welcome....

sensei says " msg me and I will answer when I can. Have fun.