Sometimes elaborated as "You cahn't pahk your cah in Hahvahd Yahd."

Of course, first year students do park their cars (or their parents' cars) in Harvard Yard at the beginning and end of terms, in order to unload or load their belongings.

If you visit, be sure to check out the statue of John Harvard, which is usually known as the statue of three lies.

Note that Boston English often includes a little of a French influence. I forget the actual term, I believe it is elision. Anyways, rather than "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd" you tend to hear more of a "Pahk the cah-rin Hahvid Yahd." The r shows up VERY slightly because the next word has a vowel at the beginning, much like as in French.

Also, the "ard" in "Harvard" doesn't come out as an "ahh" but rather an "ih" sound. Similarly, "Danvers" is "Danviz," "record" is "reckid."

Finally, the correct response to "Do you Pahk your cah in Hahvid Yahd?" is, of course, "Whattah you, RETAAAHDED?!"

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