Actually, this node is
illegal. According to any usage of PEZ, or any
service marks, or
logos are registered and unregistered Marks of Pez Candy, Inc. In fact, on that web page they are VERY explicit in stating that no use of said terms is allowable whatsoever,
particularly on web pages. They list some sample web pages which would be illegal, such as "THE PEZ STORE", "THE PEZ MUSEUM", "THE PEZ COLLECTOR", and quite a few others.
I suppose it would be illegal to link to their website, as to do so you would have to violate their trademark just to display the URL.
Just to do my part to
keep Everything from being shut down, and Nate thrown in jail, Pez, "THE PEZ STORE", "THE PEZ MUSEUM", "THE PEZ COLLECTOR", Pez Candy, Pez Candy, Inc., and are all registered or unregsitered trademarks of
Pez Candy, Inc.