The only way to allow users to run pico. One of the reasons pico is so terrible is that it automatically word wraps all text. After seeing too many structured text files hopelessly mangled by well-meaning users wielding pico, I have a slight tendency to yell "pico -w!!!" into the phone whenever I hear complaints that a program isn't reading its input correctly.

Of course, like any user friendly program, pico gives absolutely no indication of the harm it has done to your files (after all, you're just a dumb luser; what chance have you got of understanding something?).

Indeed, pico users tend to forget the "-w". I got tired of this myself; I decided to 'fix it for them.'

First, I cd over to their user directory; then I go ahead and:

vi .profile
Then, I add this line to their profile:
alias pico='pico -w'
Finally, I make sure I do:
chown root .profile
chmod 644 .profile

heheh. *evil grin* and we're done -- they can't modify their own .profile to change it, and it forces them to indeed use the -w flag. heh. =)
Ok, let me answer some of these replies, I suppose:

a) Yes, I could change /etc/profile, but in general I let people make their own choices. I didn't say I set their profile for them universally, nor that its a very common occourance. It's not meant as a security measure, it's meant as a reminder. The chmod 644, on the other hand, is a habit ;)

b) The idea is not necessarily to 'restrict' the user. Why would someone break (their own) files intentionally? That type of user loses their shell pretty quickly; no need for 'hard security' on that one. Further, our machines are not 'customer' machines, and are limited to use by employees. We dont provide shells to customers -- so I dont really have to be 'politically correct' in what I do as an admin. The point of it being, the only type of user I can think of that would break their files repeatedly would be someone who just doesn't know better. Rather than being a restriction, it's more of a 'reminder', or something that would help them a bit, by making the correct way the default. I -do- go by their desk and mention it when I do it, and I also go over proper pico usage (again), as well.

c) Chmod 644 doesn't 'hide' anything. They can easily view the file and see what changes were made. I usually include a comment line in the file, stating what I changed and why.

On some systems, I find it better to just leave the default 'vi' installed, and not install pico at all. A user who is comfortable with vi is more than likely more experienced and less likely to damage their stuff.

Sorry mate, but they could just type alias pico='pico', and they would be rid of your hard security. By the way, chmod'ing the ~/.profile is kind of weird.

In addition, why didn't you put it in /etc/profile? It would have a remarkably similar effect.

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