www.pornforge.net is an online pornographic material database. It contains a large number of pictures in the JPEG format, depicting mostly young women posing nude and/or committing sexual acts with men.

I don't know who owns the website, or who made it, or how the hell it got there (though I know it makes a play upon the SourceForge website), but it contains no banner ads and no false links like other pr0n sites. It is actually pretty bare bones, but that is what makes it effective and fast. You can also register and upload your own stash of pr0n pictures (Guys: Admit it, you have them).

You can search by one or a combination of several categories, those including:

Age ("Teenage" to "Ancient Woman")
Breasts ("Small" to "Absurd")
Circuit ("Amateur" to "Professional")
Hair Color ("Black" to "Outrageous")
Race ("Asian" to "White")
Scene ("Artistic" over "Lesbian" to "Weird")
Shaven ("No" to "Yes")
Where ("Bath/Shower" to "The Wilds")

Of course, you won't always find all combinations, so start small.

Update 24.02.02: Seems pornforge.net is gone, and has taken up new residence at pf.johncglass.com. Site has gotten a revamp, but logging in seems to be broken.

Update 06.09.03: Yes, Pornforge is officially dead and gone. R.I.P.

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