Infinity has pointed out one of the major flaws with peer to peer file sharing networks: unfortunately, ignorance spreads. Just like all comedy songs are somehow credited to that Wierd Al (sic) guy, punk covers are forever being mis-credited too. Sometimes they aren't credited at all.

I love punk covers, and have compiled a list of some of the best (and worst) of this interesting and thought provoking genre, together with a list of the original artists (where known). Let's get one thing straight here - Me First and the Gimme Gimmes are the masters of the punk cover. Of course, that's because they're a punk supergroup. As such, they seem to receive the most mis-placed credit for performing covers. You can already find a comprehensive list of songs that they did do on their own node.

Punk covers are some of the easiest songs to play if you're learning guitar (or bass, or drums). Take a song with a cool tune and catchy lyrics, simplfy it completely, speed it up and play it with power chords and daft drumming. Cool!

So, without further ado, here is a list of songs which will make a good start (or middle, or end) to any young budding punk-cover collector's collection:

These from my brother:

These from iandunn:

/msg me with errors and more punk covers. Post large lists below. They will be assimilated.

Thanks so far: ConfusionTheWaitress, Infinity, SlugoSlacker, Patch, sneak241, my brother, iandunn.

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