Near Matches
Ignore Exact
rattling chains
girl of the knife
freeze this moment
take my castle down
My noise flew away, and now the quiet is very loud
until the tides turn
I shall escape
would you place bets on my heart
of tiger cubs and dragons
crop circles in my mind
Nobody's heart bothers with such mundane things as distance
Notelet Nodelet Squawkbox Client
Did you think of me before you knew me?
She doesn't know what he sees, but sometimes it makes his face beautiful
Here are some true pieces for you, anonymous, handsome.
The note I didn't give to the woman in the bookstore
I used to love women from afar. Of course, now they call it stalking.
I come to you, defenses down
Would you mind never speaking to me again?
Teen angst
Hey, stranger. I worry about you.
slow love
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