Opened >>> 2002
Maximum Height >>> 73m
Length >>> 1 620m
Trains >>> 3 trains with 36 seats
You lured me towards the ride in the same soft way I had half-dared half-tempted you before to do other things. It is naughtiness masking as innocence; like insisting we can fall asleep together with the boundary drawn by our skin. We always take the bait. We always make each other fail. Big brown eyes told me that this would be nothing close to an experiment.
'...Difficult at first, but then, you will enjoy it - Why are you so afraid? You would be with me, after all.'
'Fine. I haven't regretted a ride so far. The sooner we start, the sooner...'
'Front row? Shorter queues.'
'Not on your life.'
And then somehow we got from there to further on. Strapped; Beside each other, in contact but not nearly enough, eyes closed and head against the cushioning. Slowly climbing upwards and forwards, all our receptors obediently tuned into the decelerating rhythm of the governing mechanism. Then, tantric anticipation - tell me, were you scared, then? You told me you loved me just before... We plunged down. I am thrilled. You aren't. You had spoken too late and your words had to be abandoned unrequited. By then, my body had become four times its own weight and my throat was filled with lungfuls of air.
Tears sprung; I swung between equal doses of feeling in focus and helpless; in control and then out of my mind... this explained only by my continued, yet frantic breath; sinuous whimpering, gasping, moaning... it moved in sync with the roller coaster's multiple climaxing and calming; Naturally, it made you laugh. Then the trip halts abruptly - We stagger out, embarrassed and quietly dizzy, like being kicked out of bed and tossed back underwear that had become momentarily redundant. I begin to savour the relief, the release and that you are done but I want to go again.
Or, could too much adrenaline cause a fever?
You laugh at me, brush our lips together and call me crazy; that I wear you out and that we used to be friends.
Created to bring a smile to your face the next time you user search me, davidork.