Between the 14th and 17th centuries C.E., this musical term referred to a strambotto siciliano that had been set to music, either as an a cappella piece or with accompaniment. Since then, this term has shifted in meaning. Currently, it refers to a certain type of aria and instrumental movement, both in vogue from the late 17th to the 18th centuries. As a style, it can chiefly be found in the vocal and instrumental music of the late Baroque period.

The siciliana sicilano is played in either a slow 6/8 time, or 12/8 time. It is characterized by the use of clear 1- or 2-bar phrases, lilting rhythmns, simple melodies, and direct harmonies. The content usually connected to this form was the pastoral scene and/or some form of melancholia.

Famous composers who used the siciliana siciliano for operas or cantatas include A. Scarlatti and G.F. Handel.

Chief source for this writeup: The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music.

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