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sometimes it feels like the world is trying to tell me to wake up
Maybe if we're lucky the person dreaming our lives will wake up
I can feel the radiation... changing me...
the emptiness you feel is a desire to understand yourself and the world
my whole life is passing me by and I sometimes wonder why I am even still alive
I feel like every time I sneeze, I disappoint you
Like an owl among the ruins
His name came up like a match on wooden me
I don't like your reality, I'm going to make my own
Tell me what God is like, cause I'm starting to forget
yesterday i walked for two and a half hours and was baptized in the spirit
The shape of the world this morning
speak to me, long-dead sage; tell me what your afternoons were like
The Windmill
What are you doing? Why aren't you busy trying to save the world?
A pretty sky just gets me wound up, and my head starts pounding. The city doesn't need a sky.
They made the sunrise for people like us just so we have an excuse for why we're still up.
In another world, I am you and you are me
The sun rose every day, once.
and you tell me your mind is blank
Gosh! That single kiss made me feel like I'm charged up with the power of a million exploding suns!
I have this mental image of God laughing at me.
list of things
I told her I could read her mind, but she didn't believe me. I could tell.
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