Have you ever had Ferengi take over your ship and you want too confuses them with some technobabble but you can't think of anything? Well worry no more with this handy dandy technobabble generator. Just pick any (yes, any) word form the first column then one from the second, third, and fourth. Put them together and voila you have a new Trans-cosmic containment scanner. Pretend you are La Forge or Data. Hours of fun! Guaranteed!

|blank   |blank       |blank       |blank         |
|ambient |anaphasic   |confinement |beam          |
|annular |axionic     |containment |being         |
|quantum |biomimetic  |energy      |bubble        |
|spatial |cosmic      |flux        |burst         |
|trans-  |duodynetic  |impulse     |capacitor     |
|        |dynamic     |particle    |conduit       |
|        |genetic     |plasma      |coverter      |
|        |interphasic |vertion     |core          |
|        |isomiatic   |warp        |discriminator |
|        |magnascopic |            |field         |
|        |metaphasic  |            |scanner       |
|        |metagenic   |            |sensor        |
|        |nueucleonic |            |shell         |
|        |osmotic     |            |stream        |
|        |plasmonic   |            |string        |
|        |positronic  |            |              |
|        |static      |            |              |
|        |subharmonic |            |              |

Thanks: The nitpicker's guide for next generation trekkers volume 2, page 370

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