An event referenced in a number of Calvin and Hobbes strips, but never really explained. According to Bill Watterson, as written in The Calvin and Hobbes 10th Anniversary book, he intentionally never explains it, leaving it up to the reader to create something in their mind.

For some reason, I can never come up with anything that does this legendary even justice.

In 1999 at TAMS, various Mischief-makers filled a bathtub (and nearly also the dorm's antiquated plumbing) with cooked Ramen noodles. (And seasoning.) Everyone was duly impressed. At graduation, a few of these students took their diplomas, walked across the stage, shook the hand of the administrator doing the hand-shaking, and gave him an unopened package of Ramen noodles.

This qualifies as a great hack, and a real world noodle incident. For those with poor imaginations, imagine Calvin filling a school sink, a water fountain, his teacher's desk or a bathtub with noodles.

Thanks to apirkle as of Saturday, March 10, 2001, for corrections and an addition: the administration's response. PLEASE see; it'll be worth your while.

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