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these arms, this heart, this body, sleep here
These are the only hands I can give
When you move here we will have plenty of time to have fun together
Spotlight eyes on the endless skies
September 21, 2008
marry me and you'll be safe
Keep Hold of the Heart
Dear whoever
March 5, 2009
How the heart really works
And yet she lingers
love is an attachment that knows no reason
These are the moments I would share with you
hold up this tired skyline with all i falter for
Doing nothing together
The Old Woman I Watched Die
If you ask me about winter, I'll tell you about
you cannot meet again unless you part
Based on a true story
i like my body when it is with your
Crosley Cruiser
trees are naked spirits
the virtue of the disconnect
Those who will not follow are doomed to lead
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