this morning
I closed your eyes
and watched you
shake yourself to sleep

you grimaced a little here and there
and smiled when I kissed you
as if you were aware it was me
though you had already begun to
shake yourself to sleep

I held your delicate hand
with it's fine lines and
small fingers

I stroked your hair
and told you I loved you
and held on for dear life

I held you close until I was sure
you had shaken yourself to sleep

as I was walking out the door
spilling coffee on myself
thinking of notes and
harmonies about you and me
you called out my name, just once

I went back to you and watched
as you shook yourself to sleep

Early This Morning

I must confess my deed to you

As you lay there asleep on that miserable recliner

Swaddled in familiar blankets, breathing the old air, the old smells

of a broken old home that you know, that still knows you

I checked on you, many times, to just make sure you were alright

To fix the picture of that moment in my mind forever

As you lay there in the smiles and frowns and inexplicable gestures

Of some quiet, mildly animated, dream I wish I could fathom

You seemed comfortable enough, and warm.

About an hour before you awoke, I could not resist

To brush my lonely fingers gently, knowingly, through your hair for a moment

Barely a moment, not enough to disturb you, but only to feel your warmth,

Enough, I hoped, to let your Spirit know I was there

No bitterness or guile. No questions or demands. No expectations at all

Just memory of a million times before, that you never were aware of

When I looked at you, sleeping your beautiful sleep

I leaned down, and I tenderly kissed the top of your head

I don't know if I stole it, or I gave it to you, as things are

It did not seem either way, at that moment in time

It only, was.

It meant nothing,


It meant


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