An ornamental pattern typically found on the entablature of a Doric building.

Each triglyph consists of three parallel raised bars, separated by grooves. The metopes, which are almost always round, were generally ornamented with carvings in ancient Greek and Roman buildings. In neoclassical architecture, the metopes are sometimes abstract patterns or plain medallions.

Front view:
triglyph          metope
 |                   |
 V                   V  
     _       _       _
||| / \ ||| / \ ||| / \ |||
||| \_/ ||| \_/ ||| \_/ |||

triglyph         metope
 |                   |
 V                   V
     __      __      __
/VV\/  \/VV\/  \/VV\/  \/VV\

Panels of triglyph and metope always have triglyphs on either end.

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