Voice leading is often times also referred to as part writing. Both terms refer to the way chords are produced by the movements and embellishments of individual musical lines.

Voice leading is also closely related to counterpoint in that counterpoint is the careful combination of two or more independant lines. As voice leading is more of a common-sense-like consideration, voice leading may be categorized as one aspect of counterpoint.

As students, most budding musicians learn the accomplished voice leading methods of J. S. Bach, as the technique set the standard for late baroque methodology in choral writing. His method consists of a general subset of counterpoint rules, ie: no parallel fifths or octaves, write in a conjunct manner whenever possible, don't cross anything above the soprano line or below the bass line as the outer counterpoint will be lost, etc.

Since voice leading also deals with the aural aesthetic of harmony, tendency tones also come into play.

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