
Wristlocks are techniques used in all kinds of martial arts to bring the uke (person on whom a technique is performed) to submission. They are designed to put strain on the wrist, and the idea is pretty much "either you give up, or I will put you through a lot of pain, and you will have to walk with your wrist in plaster for six weeks"

Wristlocks, when done correctly, can be very convincing, and fights might be over before you know it.

How to do wristlocks

Although this is probably a completely idiotic project, I will now try to explain with words how to do wristlocks. Considering that people usually can't get it right when it being showed, I guess it's just another token of my insanity. But hey - here goes nothing

Wristlock #1

Stretch your right arm straight ahead. Extend all your fingers, and have your thumb pointing down. (i.e palm pointing outwards)

               (_______        ^---------
              (_______    backside of hand
              (_____1234     ,---
                        |   |
                        |  |
                       |  |

Okay - no teasing me for my ASCII art :)

Anyway. What you want to do now is to grab around you right hand with your left hand. Your left thumb should be where the drawing above is marked with "T". The rest of your fingers would be where it's marked with 1, 2, 3 and 4. Now, - GENTLY - pull your right hand towards your nose with your left hand (obviously, you'll have to bend your right elbow at this point). If it hurts, you did it correctly. If it didn't, use your left hand to put a little more circular pressure (i.e push away with your left thumb, pull with your fingers). Did that hurt? Marvellous. Now you know what our first wristlock feels like.

Without teaching you all the tricks that can be used in hand to hand combat™, if you want to learn more about this stuff, start practicing Jitsu, or some other funky sport.

Wristlock #2

Stretch your right arm straight ahead. Extend all your fingers, and have your thumb pointing down. (i.e palm pointing outwards) - Yes I copied & pasted this from the previous wristlock. I am a lazy bastard.

               (_______        ^---------
              (_______    backside of hand
              (_________     T---
                        |   |
                        |  |
                       |  |

This one should be easy if you managed the last one.

Put your left hand on top of your right hand, just next to your right wrist, with your fingers on 1, 2, 3, and 4. Your thumb goes around the thumb, or just kind of hangs around the wrist somewhere (strictly, you don't use your thumb in this one)

Now, bend your right elbow, and try to touch your nose with your right wrist. No problem, right? Now, with your left hand, apply pressure to the wrist, by pressing it to the right. (careful, once again. A quick jank will break your wrist)

Wristlock #3

Stretch your right arm straight ahead. Extend all your fingers, and hold your palm upwards

( \
_______T F
(______ F------
(______ palm

Now, from beneath, grab hold of the fleshy part of your thumb (i.e the part of the thumb that is still "in" the hand). Now, bend your right wrist up, so you can look into the palm of your hand.

With your left hand, pull on the thumb, and push with the palm of your left hand. Your right hand should now have its palm outwards from your body. When you now move your left hand downwards towards the ground, your right wrist should hurt - congratulations, that was wristlock #3

Other wristlocks

Obviously, you would never do the wristlocks this way (why would you want to break your own wrist??). If you want to learn more, I strongly suggest you try a few years of Jitsu (or basically any other sport, but Jitsu and hapkido(?) tend to focus more on joint manipulation than other martial arts I have come across so far.)

There are several variations on the same theme, but if I remember correctly, these are the three main wristlocks (they are the only three I've ever needed, in any case)

Good luck, and BE CAREFUL!


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