About this page

Welcome to Zenmastery, the demonstration node where you can view staff-only options to style them properly in your Zen Stylesheet. The nodelets below are encased in a DIV called id="zenmastery_sidebar". This will allow you to tinker with a false sidebar DIV without interfering with the real sidebar on your layout.

For your convenience, the HTML has been cleaned up a bit to make it easier to find the IDs and Classes you need to reference. All forms are still intact but they are neutered, they can't actually set or change anything. All links go to the homepage. These are for demonstration purposes only.

Also see The Nodelets for a list of all the available nodelets that are not currently in your sidebar.

New Writeups

The staff-only options in New Writeups are:

Signals that a writeup currently has a negative rep (Not given a class)
Link to "hide" a writeup from New Writeups. Class: 'hide'
(H: un-h!)
Link to "unhide" a writeup from new Writeups. Class: 'hide'
Marks writeups that have been nuked (Not given a class)

(The same controls are also present in the New Logs nodelet.)

Master Control

Master Control is a staff-only nodelet. Most of it is self-explanatory, but the Node Notes are a special section that allows staff members to add commentary to a node to coordinate their efforts so they don't accidentally work at cross-purposes to each other. For example one editor might note "I'm working with the author to improve this writeup." so another editor doesn't nuke it.

Front Page News/weblogs

Staff may be shown who linked a writeup or other document to a weblog or to the front page news if that person is not the author of the document. Imaginatively enough, the information is in a div with class 'linkedby'. They also get a link allowing them to remove the document from the weblog, with class 'remove'.

Content goes here.

Content goes here.