gimp (n.) -

1. A person with a physical disability. Typically a derogatory comment heard coming from inbred hick-people, who are undoubtedly mentally challenged individuals. Note: Use of this term may provoke an act rendering the speaker a gimp himself/herself.

2. A member of the above group, willing to embrace the term to spite ignorant able-bodied people. Whereas it wouldn't be prudent for a honky to call an African-American a nigga, it wouldn't be prudent to use the term unless you are disabled, or would like a physical disability.

gimp (adj.) -

1. Useless, malformed. Again, a term used only in areas where kissing cousins not only exist, but copulate time and again. (Fortunately, their mating habits can not be found on The Discovery Channel. For those of you foolish enough to be curious, I leave you this: Seek any member of a large Coors drinking population.)