As humans develop their technology, each new one tends to bring about some sort of cultural paradigm shift, since each one alters people's interaction with their environment.


- telegraph allowed the first instant transcontinental communication
- radio allowed the simultaneous receipt of the same audio transmisison by millions
- the aeroplane allowed rapid intercontinental travel - etc. &c.

Each new technology brings about some new human issue, because of how it changes individual's lives. Several new technologies are developed exclusively to act as a counter-irritant to previous developments. In turn, these will throw people's senses off in some new way, creating a need for new remedies.

So how does this cycle get fixed?

The answer would seem to be to develop some kind of machine that allows the user to choose their own media mix. Though far from perfect, the computer is this machine. It gives you music or TV or images as you see fit.

The computer is not a medium. It is a conveyor of other mediums.

It's been argued that computers will move into other sensory functions, and become a total synesthesia machine, in which the world is what you want it to be...

What is not considered in that thinking is that new issues of dehumanization would come up, and maybe going outside would become a new technological development.