It's supposed to be a
representation of one's
thought processes. Of course,
true stream of consiousness would then always be about
stream of consiousness itself because when the author sits down (or stands, or kneels, or lays down as the case may be) to
write a
consciousness stream, what is going through his mind is
something like "Ok, stream of
consciousness, gotta
think of something.... ok, what am I thinking?"
Thinking about thinking can be rather confusing.
Thinking about thinking about thinking, can be even more so. Therefore I take a step back and say "(Thinking about^X + thinking; X=1 to infinity)" But now having
defined that I have created yet
another level-
hoisted by my own petard, you might say. So that leaves us with naught but to ignore the
meta-level thought processes and create
stream of pseudo-consiousness, which nevertheless must be
inherently interesting, because I like
Don't you?