Yesterday I went on another improbably impromptu adventure, but I'll get to that in a second.

I've decided that I have two more neurosis than I thought I had previously.

  • 1.) I am incapable of denying a friend something that is within my capabilities, no matter how inconvenient
  • 2.) I will prostrate myself before my friends by offering to solve any and all of their problems, no matter how inconvenient.

This becomes important, because, as soon as my Clarkie friend mentioned that she needed to get her stuff home to Maine and her boyfriend wasn't around, I, of course, offered like driving 4 hours was no big deal.

Not that it really was a big deal...
So, I left work around 5:30pm yesterday afternoon. I arrived after getting an oil change at Clark around 7:30pm, and tried not to make too much of a fool out of myself in front of the current girl-of-my-dreams, who happened to be using the Clarkie friend's computer to pretend to write her paper. *sigh* Then I lugged most of the stuff down to my car, fought with my back seat a bit to get it to fold down, packed it all in and we were on out way.

The earth must have been turning particularly quickly under us, because 55 minutes later we were in Portsmouth, NH, almost 80 miles away. Soon, we were winding through the back roads of rural Maine, heading for her house.

We arrive. First, of course, the fishie must be delivered to its new home, so as we take care of that, I am subjected to her parents. Gah! People's parents who are WEIRDER than mine are just plain scary.

Anyways, we escape none-too-quickly after unloading and drag my laundry to my parents' house, like 15 minutes away. Laundry washing and movie watching ensue. Around 1am, my laundry is finished and we begin our trek home.

In Portsmouth, we decide to look for The Friendly Toast. Unfortunately, between my rusty memory and too many one-way streets, we soon give up and go to Bickford's instead, where the waitress informed us that one time in the corner booth, she watched a baby get conceived. *GAH!*

After our "exciting" dining experience (where exciting means dangerous to the intestinal tract), we attempted to brave our way back to Worcester. Due to extreme exhaustion, this was indeed a challenge, although somehow we made it there, I dont' recall much of the trip. I promptly passed out on her bed while she studied for her German final.

I made it home at 8:30am, took a shower, and then left for work.

Here I am, $40 poorer, at work attempting to earn enough to pay my bills. *sighs tiredly* And gumming on my G key, from the keyboard casualty in the battle of AlexZander vs. The Evil Water. Mm... plastic.