Celt is track 8 of 9 in the Mike Oldfield album, QE2. It is an excellent song from an excellent album.

The lyrics are nonsense, only there because they sound good. The vocals are done by Maggie Reilly, a singer who quite often worked with Mike Oldfield. The words are allegedley by Tim Cross, a man who has played keyboard with Mike on some occasions.

Here are the commonly accepted nonsene lyrics. I have added in commentary of what happens in the song itself in italics.

Pounding electronic drums and bass play the main major-sounding bass line of the entire song, every second out of four bars has some kind of timpani added in to back the electronic drums. The whole progresson runs once alone, and continues throughout almost the whole song.

Synth chords enter to accompany the bass line. After one run of the bass with the synth chords, the vocals come in. It seems to be multiple recordings placed at once (which get more and more like vocal chords as the song goes on) of Maggie singing:

As Far Wrengo Delta
Cento Elto Rebishow
Novish Rama Esto Rama
Cento Rebishlow

The bass line and synth chords change to something a tad more minor (but still half major), and a crazy yet very fitting descending-then-ascending piano plays to add to the next few lines:

Now Bella Rema Bella
Suma Zappa Retisgo

The vocals stop and the song returns to the original drum, bass, and synth chord progression. After one run of that, it plays again, but with a beautiful, pedaled, high-pitched, overdriven guitar bit. Then, the chord progression goes to that of the "Now Bella Rema" line, and the guitar bit adjusts by playing an equally beautiful, twiddley solo bit. Then, it goes back to the main progression and the synth gets a bit more forte.

As Far Wrengo Delta
Cento Elto Rebishow
Novish Rama Esto Rama
Cento Rebishlow

Maggie sings again. Then, the

Now Bella Rema Bella
Suma Zappa Retisgo

part again, only this time, there are emotional heavy guitar chords added to accompany the synth chords, one strummed on each chord change. Also, the vocals are an octave higher, adding to the extra oomph in this part.

As Far Wrengo Delta
Cento Elto Rebishow
Novish Rama Esto Rama
Cento Rebishlow

This part is sung again, but then it is repeated. The second time around, the beautiful, pedaled, high-pitched arpeggios from the earlier solo are added in on top of the vocals. The song fades out about here, before it can get to the next "Now Bella Rema" part.

Now wasn't that fun?