KA hi (fire)

ASCII Art Representation:

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         ,%%%"                    %%%%%,,,
       ,%%%"                       "%%%%%%%%%%%%
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Character Etymology:

A stylized deriviative pictograph of flames and sparks.

A listing of all on-yomi and kun-yomi readings:

on-yomi: KA
kun-yomi: hi -bi ho-

Nanori Readings:

Nanori: (none)

English Definitions:

  1. KA: fire, Tuesday.
  2. hi: fire, flame, or blaze.
  3. (toro)bi: low fire.
  4. hi: fire.

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

火炎 (kaen): flames, blazes.
火曜日 (kayoobi): Tuesday.
火山 (kazan): Volcano.
火花 (hibana): Spark(s).
火気厳禁 (kaki-genkin): Inflammablekeep out!

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