SHI ito (thread)

ASCII Art Representation:

                    %%%%"     %%,
        "%,,       %%%"       %%%%,
          "%%%,  ,%%"        ,%%%%%%
           "%%%%%%"          %%%%%"
            "%%%%%,         ,%%%%"
             "%%%%%%       %%%%"
              "%%%%%%   ,,%%%"      "%%,,
               "%%%%%,%%%%"           "%%%%,
   ,            ,,%%%%""  ,,,,,,,,,%%%%%%%%%%,
  "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"""            "%%%%%
   "%%%""""""""       %%%%                "%%"
            ,%,,      %%%%  ,,,,
            %%%%%%    %%%%    ""%%,,
           %%%%%"     %%%%       "%%%%,,
          %%%%%"      %%%%         "%%%%%%,
         %%%%"        %%%%           "%%%%%%,
       ,%%%"          %%%%             "%%%%%%
     ,%%""            %%%%              "%%%%%
  ,,""                %%%%                "%%"

Character Etymology:

From a pictograph of a skein of yarn, heavily styilized.

A Listing of All On-Yomi and Kun-Yomi Readings:

on-yomi: SHI
kun-yomi: ito

English Definitions:

  1. SHI: thread; one ten-thousandth of a hair.
  2. ito: thread, yarn; gut; string (of a violin); fishing line.

Unicode Encoded Version:

Unicode Encoded Compound Examples:

製糸 (seishi): silk making.
毛糸 (keito): woolen yarn.
糸巻き (itomaki): spool, bobbin, reel;beam (in weaving); turning peg.

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