English is a barbarian language

I remember me and my sister would take turns abusing the wild animal (dog) that was kept hostage in our house. We did this because we saw mom and dad do this. Thus my sister and I concluded this is what we must do to survive. When I did something wrong my parents hit me. As a result at an early age I learned violence. Now when someone wrongs me I hit them. Because that is how I was programed to respond to disagreeable circumstance.

There is a science that takes place when one hits a child. To understand that science one has to understand mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are specific parts of the human brain that allow humans to mimic the functions of their environment. This is how humans learn. Mirror neurons cannot be shut off. Human are constantly mimicking everything around them. So when one hits a child one programs said child to hit things. What happens when one hits a child is one programs a barbarian.

Part Two

Americans are barbarians.  English is a barbarian language. Americans specialize in hitting things. “Let’s hit the road is said”, or “let’s hit the club”. Americans enslave themselves. When referring to members of their own body Americans say things like “my hand” when in other languages such as Spanish it is said “the hand”. Island native when referring to members of their own body say what is the English equivalent “our hand”.  Not surprising Americans speak this way belonging to a nation built on slavery. Slavery is a barbarian tool. If I think of humans as computers and English as a computer programing language, English is an outdated programing language that no one should ever use. Consider the phrase “ fuck you”. This phrase is so ambiguous that no one should ever use it. Despite this it remains a very common phrase (this is symbolic of Americans (failure to evolve). It is common place to say this as an insult or a joke. However no matter the intended meaning somewhere in the subconscious mind this is translated as I want to have sex with you. Because the word fuck is equivocal, one of Its meanings being sex. Now consider the phrase “hit him up”. It is common place to say this when communication is needed betwixt persons. However no matter what the intended meaning somewhere in the subconscious mind this phrase is translated literally as hit him, or beat him up. Because the word hit is equivocal, one of its meanings being destructive physical contact. Its ambiguous phrases such as these that contribute to a hyper sexual, hyper violent group of people. Hyper sexuality and hyper violence are barbarian traits.

Ask yourself what kind of “civilization” do I live in where the act of fallatio is publicly glorified? Fallatio is a barbarian activity. To glorify fallatio is to glorify barbarianism. By the way, men, that white stuff coming out of your dick is brain matter, spinal fluid and blood. It takes months to replace that. It’s a wonder why there is an education problem in the states when pornography is on public display everywhere and American males learn to blow their brains out at ages as early as eight years old. Ask yourself, what kind of “civilization” do I live in where rape is a normal occurrence. A woman should be able to walk around naked and any male that’s around her not have any thoughts of raping her or fornicating with her. Americans cannot do this (hell your average American male can’t even do this with a woman’s clothes on). This is because Americans shun the human condition. This is reflected in the fact that there are no nude beaches in America and the great lengths taken to separate males from females.

America is a clan of barbarians. What is the point of having a civilization if the people can’t act civil. It is not the nature of humans to be barbarians. Like swichfoot’s “meant to live” humans are meant to live for so much more. Americans are barbarians because they are programed to be so at birth. That programing being the English language its self! It’s a catch 22 because English is the only language the overwhelming majority of Americans know how to speak. The solution I offer to cure Americans Barbarian problem is simple, stop speaking English.

Some other notes

Did you know that In Hebrew there are no curse words? If you wanted to tell somebody to go fuck themselves, the English Hebrew equivalent the phrase would be go ride a donkey. Now think about how the English language specializes in putting people down.

I was beat as kid growing up. I was told this was to somehow discipline me and keep me out of trouble. I have been arrested multiple times and I am the most mischievous person I know. So tell me what did all those ass whooping do?

Some other other notes

I edited this node to fix spelling errors. Also it has been brought to my attention that there are curese words in Hebrew, and there are nude beaches in America. Excuse the misinformation.