Along with another American election debacle corporations are becoming steadily more powerful. We may stand at another turning point in history. Another time when power shifts hands into a still larger and more centralized group. Such as when centralized governments first came into vouge. Who are these people grabbing the reins of the this yet unbroken horse? Corporations, Who else (that wacky fun loving group). Most people realize that mega-corporations control many aspects of thier countries political system but nowhere is it so overt as in the green pastures of America. Also, It seems that nowhere is more naive to the power these Gengis Khanites hold than the old RedWhiteNBlue.

HELP! Our leader is still money and it's taking over the world.

There are no real leaders or dictators (except for maybe some CEO's). More and more of the larger world issues seem to be decided by business. Money is the only aim for which the all powerful corporations strive. It just so happens that these bulbus ticks have tapped into world control because it makes a profit. Bill Gates when asked in a recent interview, "Do you think you have more power than the President of the US?", Laughed and said, "oh, certainly". Incidentally Microsoft gave an equal ammount of money to both 'sanctioned' campaings for US president. We are just a little reality sapped. We don't hear about things like the Trillions of dollars our government has given to corporations for things like research and overseas product promotion. When the average wage of an American worker has gone from 1/20 of what a CEO made to 1/500 of what a CEO makes now, it's time to poke your head above your cubicle.

Corporations, they don't just make nice things anymore. They also plant landmines and put up barbed wire fences.

The new rulers are stepping into place, and belive me, they think it's downright cozy.