What am I excited about lately? Everything. Life is coming back together in the most excellent way. I have friends who will take me mushrooming and show me where to find chanterelles, and friends who will cheerfully follow me mushrooming through blackberry brambles and scrambling up and down the West Hills and on top of logjams and up embankments. Later we will pick brambles out of our skin. Later we will cook blackberries and drink beer in our delicious revenge.

I'm excited about nights of Cards Against Humanity, and friends teaching me about the right way to apply eyeshadow, friends who will teach me how to make lamps and crochet scarves. I'm excited about friends who encourage me to dream about Detroit, Michigan to think about it in the modern, more mythical sense that every kid my generation thinks of, to realize that somewhere we still believe in the great industrial dragon of poverty and economic breakdown, of market forces, that, if we're clever enough, we can bring down with sword and shield and hacker tenacity.

(We can't, of course, and our dreaming of defeating the dragon is rank imperialism and classism, but that won't stop us from dreaming of simpler justifications.)

My friends tell me how much shipping containers run - $2-$3k. Another says, thoughtfully, he can use the torch to cut holes in the walls. Our only blocker: money to make it happen, a plumber to plumb the new structures, money for pouring foundations. There's a thought among us: we can make this happen.

But does it happen before or after we take over and rebuild a warehouse to suit us? These things have me grinning and almost dancing: yeah, of course, the rooftop garden. Yeah there's going to be a wood shop, and we're going to put Zoller in charge of the kitchen. Who do we nominate as majordomo?

They don't know it yet, (though doubtlessly some suspect) but there's going to be a server room in one of these, and eventually, backup generators.

It's good to have goals, and my goal is deceptively simple: build all the things. Make all the things.

Guys, I am really goddamn excited.