users, and those playing Diablo II in particular, often use a wide variety of terms and signals, both verbal and nonverbal, to communicate. These can be unnerving at first, because their resemblance to English is loose at best. Fortunately, this quick reference chart can have you talking the lingo in no time flat:

     u                          you 
     r                          are 
     your                       you're 
     you're                     your 
     !!!!!!                     .
     tp                         Town Portal 
     pt                         Town Portal 
     proltal                    Town Portal 
     pt pt pt pt pt pt pt       Town Portal 

          "I lack the basic skill required to not die."

     u r gay ass
          "Excuse me sir, but something you have said or done has offended me,
           or it went way over my head and I utterly failed to understand it."

     i have lvl 80 barb!!
          "I do not have a level 80 Barbarian."

     PlayerName has invited you to join their party.
     PlayerName has canceled the party invite.
     PlayerName has invited you to join their party.
     PlayerName has canceled the party invite.
     PlayerName has invited you to join their party.
     PlayerName has canceled the party invite.
     PlayerName has invited you to join their party.
     PlayerName has canceled the party invite.
     PlayerName has invited you to join their party.
          "I would like you to join my party, please. I have pressed the 'invite'
           button twenty or thirty times to insure that you don't miss the fact
           that I would enjoy partying with you."

Simple, huh? Just remember to use the traditional Diablo II greeting, "give item plz!!!" (I am unable to understand the basic principles of item acquisition that this game is based upon), and you'll be all set.