The Babylon 5 Project

Jeffrey Sinclair

    Name: Jeffrey David Sinclair
    Birthdate: May 3, 2218, 9:15 a.m. Earth Standard Time
    Birthplace: Mars Colony

Service record:

    2237 Enlisted in Earth Force Defense
    2240 Promoted to fighter pilot
    2241 Promoted to squad leader
    2248 Fights in the Battle of the Line (and survives!)
    2256 Becomes Commander of Babylon 5
    2257 "The Gathering"
    2258 Season One: "Signs and Portents"
    2259 Ambassador to Minbari Federation
      Appointed by President Clark, used the position as a front while taking the position of Ranger One.
        a.k.a. Entil'Zha
    2260 Transformed into Mimbari holy icon, Valen.


    The Line

      See Battle of the Line note below.


    Place of Birth

      Mars Colony


      Trained for three years as a Jesuit before joining Earth Force.



      Had a romantic relationship with Carolyn Sykes, then Catherine Sakai, to whom he was engaged in 2257.

Battle of the Line

    Sinclair was the only survivor of his squadron. He blacked out while attempting to ram a Minbari Sharlin Class Warcruiser, and awoke 24 hours later, with the war over. During that time he was taken aboard and interrogated by the Grey Council, who released him and ended the war when it appeared that he and some other humans posessed Minbari souls.


    Sinclair is apparently Valen, who travelled back in time 1000 years to the previous Shadow War, bringing Babylon 4 to be used as a base of operations.

The One

    Known as "The One Who Was".