With apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan

I first happened upon this mystery web site some called everything
it looked as harmless as a site could, with very little happening
I hacked a few nodes to the site, attempting to identify
and soon found out that most were trapped, and the worst of all so was I.

I noded onward, oblivious to the dangers that were lurking by
And facing accusations of addictions that I would just deny
Feeling smug with all my knowledge that I knew I had because....
I had all these previous resources with the liberty to divulge.

He had all these previous resources with the liberty to divulge
He had all these previous resources with the liberty to divulge
He had all these previous resources with the liberty to divulge

I continued onward noding, now wanting to create some more
With the rumors of this thing some called the Everything turf war
I knew then that I must prevail, which Carlosian Philosophy entails
and all my ideals must assail, in this mission I cannot fail.

He knew then that he must prevail, which Carlosian Philosophy entails
and all his ideals must assail, in this mission he cannot fail.

At first it was a harmless game, this much I could identify
and once it was a chronic act, it became something to defy
my first thought was that it was only just a simple passing phase
but then I started losing sleep, just because of this blasted place

I crossed some paths with other noders in this hopeless tempting lure
soon it was much worse when nate posted Everything's Best Users
Immediately, I soon guessed that everyone wanted to be the best.....
Not just over their new friends, but also over all the rest.

Not just over our new friends, but also over all the rest.
Not just over our new friends, but also over all the rest.
Not just over our new friends, but also over all the rest.

I noded more and more, of everything that I could classify
and without warning, Woundweavr had soon caught up and passed me by,
The M-Noders were still few, with these four being the actual
Just Dem Bones, Pingouin, JeffMagnus and Pseudo_Intellectual.

The M-Noders were still few, with these four being the actual
Just Dem Bones, Pingouin, JeffMagnus and Pseudo_Intellectual.

The rest of us were only dreaming that we could surpass
the growing apogee of what soon Everything Critical Mass
Some had themes which were described in the Users Content Summary
But others were just mindlessly noding their day's diary.

In the end the average everythingian was looking to achieve
what they could acquire in their notoriety on #everything
I toiled faster, noded harder, trying to hopefully catch up,
But the worthless action had simply made me want to throw up.

But the worthless action had simply made him want to throw up.
But the worthless action had simply made him want to throw up.
But the worthless action had simply made him want to throw up.

With the idea of a new database on the coming horizon
Everythingians are jockeying for position to be allowed on
Hoping to be a part of noding and the initial working through
Of what BlockStackers Intergalactic has already named Everything Two

Hoping to be a large part of the initial noding and working through
of what BlockStackers Intergalactic as already named Everything Two