When I was in Boy Scouts, we used to play a highly-structured version of dodgeball; we had another name for it, but it's been two years and many life changes and I can't remember what it was. It was fairly similar to the dodgeball described in moJoe's excellent writeup, incorporating some of the house rules as "official" rules:

  • We always played with two Foursquare balls, no more, no less.
  • When someone was "out", they went into an "Out zone" outside the opposite team's boundary line. If the ball crossed the boundary line, say from a powerful throw by Team 1, any 1 (pun intended) Out could get the ball and throw it at Team 2; if they hit a 2, the thrower ran back to Team 1's "in" territory (they were immune from hits until they reentered the In) and the 2 hit was Out.
    A popular strategy was for a team to hold onto one ball and throw the other over the heads of the opposing team to their purgatory, creating a "squeeze play".
  • If someone was thrown at and they were holding a ball, they sometimes were able to bounce the incoming away using their held ball; this did not count as a "hit" against the holder.
    If, however, someone holding a ball was hit, they could not take the ball with them to Out.
  • If the ball was thrown and someone from the other team caught it, the thrower was "out"; if it bounced against multiple people and then touched the ground without being caught, everyone hit was "out"; if it bounced against someone and got stuck in the bushes lining the commercial driveway where we always played, it hadn't touched the ground and so didn't count as an "out".
    • The court was shaped thusly:
      2222|                 |                  |1111
      2222|                 |                  |1111
      2222|      Team       |      Team        |1111
      2222|        1        |        2         |1111
      2222|                 |                  |1111
      2222|                 |                  |1111
      2222|                 |                  |1111
      where the shaded areas were where the "out" people went,
      numerals indicating which team went where.