Tripping from DXM can be a highly enjoyable experience. Each experience is different, but if you follow the guidelines outlined below, your experience should be at least mildly pleasant. I have witnessed many people robotrip for the first time, and nobody has ever had a bad experience with me.

If this is your first time tripping, brace yourself for a slight shock and try desperately to have an experienced user (of DXM, LSD, Ketamine, or shrooms) trip with you. And only try the 4 oz. bottle. You can move up to the 8 oz. bottle later.

General guidelines:
1. Buy Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough or a generic equivalent. This variant has Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide as the only Active Ingredient. Other variants WILL make you sick and/or dead. This is very important.

2. Trip with AT LEAST two other people. If you are all inexperienced, also have a sitter with you.

3. Have marijuana on hand for the coming down.

4. Expect the trip to last at least six hours. The intensity will not last that long, but do not expect to be able to do much of anything for six hours.

5. Find a place where you will be undisturbed for the first four hours of the trip.

6. Make two play lists of music or get two CD's. One set should be very relaxed, chill music. The other should be intense, trip-enhancing music. Tool's Third Eye is very effective during the intense trip. Not everyone can handle the intensity though. So be sure to have the calm music available.

7. The trip will begin within an hour of ingestion. Do not attempt to move from your location after that hour.

8. Read the DXM FAQ.

These guidelines are not necessarily the best way to trip. Many people enjoy going outside and doing numerous other activities during the trip. However, if you are coming into this world for the first time, these guidlines will ALMOST ensure a pleasurable trip.