A small, orangish (when ripe), and reasonably spicy pepper (around the level of a Habanero Pepper) which is sometimes called the hottest pepper in the world. Actually, it's just the hottest pepper available at most supermarkets. Scotch Bonnets are about 1 cubic inch in volume and are typically very bulgy and ugly (try to imagine a sort of hybrid between a pumpkin and a cabbage scaled down to the size of a ping pong ball) It has a rating of 80,000-300,000 on the Scoville Scale (the same range as a Habanero.) In comparison, jalapenos are 2,500-10,000 Scovilles and bell peppers are (not surprisingly) 0 Scovilles. Culinarily speaking you can use Scotch Bonnet Peppers and Habenero Peppers interchangeably which means (if you are most people) not at all.