Darts, once a game of the working class man is now a very serious competitive sport with a huge following. It is a game requiring a keen eye, a steady hand, nerves of steel and a quick, mathematical brain.

These days, World Champion dart players are rich beyond the wildest dreams of my father-in-law, who was himself a World Champion - unfortunately before there was any real money in it.

The game itself is played by throwing rounds of three darts at a circular board, traditionally made of elm, 2 inches thick and 18 inches diameter. The front surface is divided into 20 equal segments, numbered randomly such that consecutive numbers are never next to each other. The board also has circular rings marked on it, the outer ring is the double, the inner is the treble and at the centre of the board is the bull's eye, divided into a ring scoring 25 and the small inner circle is a double worth 50.

The darts themselves are pointed metal 'arrows', varying slightly in weight and length, but generally about 4-5 inches long. Modern darts are made of tungsten so that a lot of weight can be combined with a slim shape, and they have plastic flights instead of the traditional feather variety. Every player has his own individual preference and finds it difficult to play with another player's darts.

The dart board should be mounted on a wall with the centre 5 feet 8 inches above the floor. Players stand with their toe against a line called the hockey which is 9 feet from the wall.

There are many different games of darts, often with regional variations, but the usual competitive game is 301 or 501, sometimes played with a 'double-in' (where you can't start scoring until you have thrown a double), but always the player must finish on a double. The total score achieved in each three-dart round is subtracted from the previous total, the game ends when the winner reaches zero on a double finish.

2 Dart Finishes

Try to finish on an even double on the second dart.

This means that if you miss and score a single, you still have the opportunity to go for a double with your third dart.

D16, D18 and D20 are the most popular finishes.

D = double
T = treble

61	25	D18		82	T14	D20
62	T10	D16		83	T17	D16
63	T9	D18		84	T16	D18
64	T8	D20		85	T15	D20
65	25	D20		86	T18	D16
66	T10	D18		87	T17	D18
67	T17	D18		88	T16	D20
68	T12	D16		89	T19	D16
69	T11	D18		90	T18	D18
70	T10	D20		91	T17	D20
71	T13	D16		92	T20	D16
72	T12	D18		93	T19	D18
73	T11	D20		94	T18	D20
74	T14	D16		95	T15	Bull
75	T13	D18		96	T20	D18
76	T12	D20		97	T19	D20
77	T19	D10		98	T16	Bull
78	T14	D18		100	T20	D20
79	T13	D20		104	T18	Bull
80	T16	D16		107	T19	Bull
81	T15	D18		110	T20	Bull
Ref: a small piece of paper found in a drawer, carefully hand-written by my father-in-law. Thanks pa!