
Somewhere along the line I ran into a book by the title of The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse. In it is this delightful picture of a bumblebee causing all sorts of trouble for the belittled field mouse. The bee bumbles along the pages until it leaves the book forever.

But that bee has never quite left me. There it goes bumbling through my head in its clumsy flight. Sometimes stopping to remind me that there is a word that describes this animal completely.

They fly rather clumsily, almost as if flying is more an act of swimming through thick liquid. And yet, when they alight they look just as industrious as any other bee that lands on a flower. They're bees that bumble.

Or if you don't buy that, you can't deny that the word "bumble" is fun to say especially if you just rhyme a bunch of words to it: Bumble, rumble, tumble, fumble... Don't worry, I won't hold it against you.