I once wondered what someone could write about a number that had just died. Here's what I came up with:

#include <stdio.h>
int main( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
    int num, i;
    sscanf( argv[ 1 ], "%d", &num );
    printf("%d was a good number. It was", num);
    for( i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ )
        printf(" %d less than %d, %d more than %d.", i, num + i, i, num - i );
    return 0;

$ ./numobit 4
4 was a good number. It was 1 less than 5, 1 more than 3. 2 less than 6, 2 more than 2. 3 less than 7, 3 more than 1. 4 less than 8, 4 more than 0.

I think that's pretty moving. Especially the last part... "4 more than 0". Very deep.