Caeli, Lesbia nostra, Lesbia illa
illa Lesbia, quam Catullus unam
plus quam se atque suos amauit omnes,
nunc in quadriuiis et angiportis
glubit magnanimi Remi nepotes.

Caelius, our Lesbia, that Lesbia
that Lesbia, whom Catullus loved
more than himself and all his own,
now at the crossroads and in the alleys
is jacking-off the decendants of brave Remus

Catullus' affair with Clodia (whom he refers to as "Lesbia" in all his poems) ended when she began to cheat on him with a friend of his named Marcus Caelius Rufus. Clodia was, in the words of Cicero, a shameless whore, and it seems like Catullus wrote this for revenge and to tell Caelius and the rest of Rome how easy she was.

Catullus uses the term "the decendents of brave Remus" to refer to Clodia's patrons. The great men of Rome are usually called the sons of Romulus, Remus' stronger and smarter brother. To compare these men to Remus is to imply what losers they are.

The verb glubo in the last line usually means to peel or to husk an ear of corn. I think the implication is obvious.

Explicate your vulgar Latin poetry!