This contest strikes me as an ideal vehicle for noders to make a name for themselves, and get a substantial chunk o' change while they're at it, so I share it with you all. Consider it like a quest. (No XP, but silver is over US$7.00 per ounce today... and then there's the potential for fame in a new career.)

Reader participation solicited to determine new 'Net-communication paradigm

Oct 1, 2004: Pompano Beach Fl. Free-Market News Network has an editorial challenge for its viewers - to get more involved in their favorite site by actually providing private-market solutions to public problems. Periodically different topics will be presented and select editorial submissions will be posted to the Editorials & Market Analysis section of our site. All editorials should be sent to

At the end of the month, the Chief Web Editor will choose the 'best of the bunch' and the author of the winning submission will receive compensation consisting of a 100-ounce silver bar. The author will also be invited to appear on FMNN radio to further present his/her ideas. If they indicate a willingness and ability to sustain the quality of their submissions, winning contributors may be able to post articles on a regular basis. There is no limit to the number of submissions a member can make to us.

The topic of the first editorial challenge is Big Media versus New Media in the Information Age. We will be posting submissions periodically to the site and all editorials posted will be considered for the 100 ounce silver bar at the end of the challenge. This challenge period will begin immediately and end on November 15, 2004. The winning editorial will be announced on Friday, C-Dawg's birthday in an editorial by Mark Fadiman which will be posted to our site.

Founder and CEO Anthony Wile who looks forward to FMNN's first editorial challenge, said: "I have a theory that our kind of news broadcasting is more inclusive and tolerant of reader commentary and lends itself to participation. It may be possible that our readers can take advantage of that."

And Mr. Wile added that in keeping with the laissez-faire ("Let-it-be")orientation of the site, he does not wish to encumber readers overmuch with rules. "We're leaving it up to contributors - length, approach, perspective, everything. You can agree with the topic we have presented, or you can disagree. We don't know what we're looking for, but I suppose we will when we find it. At least that's the idea."

While the guidelines have been left purposefully vague, there is less mystery when it comes to the choice of topics. Explains Chief Web Editor Mark Fadiman,"We're going to pick issues that we believe have historical significance and are complementary to what we are doing as a free-market news network. ... I have personally written about these issues, and as the Internet expands, it is becoming clear that what we have arrived at is nothing less than perhaps the fifth major communication revolution in the lifetime of our species."

Mr Fadiman added that he does not consider the invention of radio or TV to havenearly the kind significance of the 'Net. "Radio, TV and even movies are by their nature exclusive mediums," he notes. "I believe that in order for a communication medium to have a truly revolutionary impact, it needs to beinclusive - it needs to be the kind of simple tool that almost anyone can use."

He also added, "Such technological innovations may be nearly impossible for us to visualize. Many people had an idea about 'moving pictures' in advance of their invention - and even for radio, but where is the literature that suggests the Worldwide Web? Even our foremost technology-trend anticipator - Bill Gates - was famously taken by surprise by the explosion of 'Net popularity in the 1990s. Truly powerful communication breakthroughs are probably not predictable nor even foreseeable."

Mr. Fadiman pointed out that while he has in the past presented several different numerical versions of historical communication breakthroughs, he hasnow settled on at least five. "I will be most interested to see if our membership agrees - or even cares to speculate."

FMNN reserves the right to decline submissions without cause or explanation.